Wednesday, August 18, 2010

Upcoming Activities for Professional Learning

To the Faculty and Staff at William H. Spencer High School:
I am looking forward to working with you during our Professional Learning (PL) discourse.  This year will bring with it several new and exciting activities!  In preview, one of the texts that we will discuss this year will be Failure is Not An Option.  The six principles of effective educational reform, according to Blankstein, are the following: mission, achievement for all, collaborative teaching, using data, active engagement of the community, and sustained leadership.  We are well on our way into active improvement on all of the aforementioned principles and much more!

We will also take look at several publications from the Georgia Department of Education (GaDOE) and the US Department of Education that cover several different topics of interest: attrition rates, the teaching of mathematics in urban schools, high school literacy, grant writing, understanding Title I, school crisis planning, and even student loan forgiveness options for teachers!  Check out forms and response instructions will be in the data room and announced at a later time.

Let us prepare ourselves for the work of providing continuous improvement!

Kim :)

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