Monday, January 3, 2011

High Schools That Work Key Practices

HSTW Key Practices

1. Setting Higher Expectations

Setting higher expectations and getting students to meet them.

2. Revising vocational/technical studies

Increasing access to challenging vocational studies with a major emphasis on using highlevel mathematics, science, English, history/social studies and problem solving competencies in the context of modern business and technical studies.

3. Revising academic studies

Increasing access of technical/career diploma students to higher level academic studies that teach essentials content from the Georgia Performance Standards enabling students to see the relationship between course content and future roles in post high school settings.

4. Program of Study

Having students complete a challenging program of study with an upgraded academic core and a major.

5. Changing the Instructional Process

Having each student actively engaged in the learning process.

6. Advisement

Involving each student and his/her parent in an individualized advisement system that guides each student in completing an accelerated and challenging program of studies with a career/technical and/or academic focus.

7. Implementing work-based learning

Providing students access to a structured system of work-based learning that is planned in collaboration with rigorous school-based learning-secondary and post secondary – and that will result in an industry-recognized credential and employment in a career pathway.

8. Helping Teachers Work Together

Having an organizational structure and schedule that enable academic and vocational/technical teachers to have time to plan and deliver a comprehensive curriculum aimed at teaching high-level academic and technical content.

9. Providing Extra Help and Extra Time

Providing a structured system of extra help to enable students to successfully complete an accelerated program of study.

10. Using HSTW and other Assessment data for school Improvement

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